Daaman Thind Bajwa leads protest against Modi government

By Amrit Pal Singh Brar

Sunam, 25 November 2019: Congress workers led by Daaman Thind Bajwa Vice President of Youth congress held a protest against the Central government’s unconventional moves which have led to the disastrous economical crises in the history of Indian politics and which have completely sabotaged the growth of industrial, agricultural and educational sector. Block Congress Committee Rural and Urban Presidents participated in the event.

Daaman Thind Bajwa said “Various institutions have been created by the constitution and the laws to guard the functioning of democracy and also to protect fundamental rights of citizens, they are under threat in this regime”.

She said “India’s rate of unemployment doubled in the past two years, according to the State of India’s Environment (SoE) In Figures, 2019. This has particularly affected young graduates”. As per the reports, the unemployment rate has gone up from four per cent to 7.6 in the last two years. The unemployment rate in April 2019 was the highest in two years, added Youth Congress leader.

Daaman Bajwa said the escalating unemployment and inflation rate have reached the worst point in history. This is the time to stand against the wrong policies of the central government and to be the voice of each and every unemployed youngster, housewife, distressed farmers and small scale industrialists who have now completely given up their hopes of getting a better life under the reign of this Government in centre

Large number of Congress workers, block presidents, Sarpanch’s, Panchs, Block Samiti Chairman, Block Samiti members, MC’s participated.


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