Govt should support people who are helping to deal corona issue: Jagroop Gill

@Amrit Sidhu Brar

Bathinda, 13 May 2021: Senior Congress leader Mr Jagroop Singh Gill has advised Manpreet Singh Badal to allocate 5 ventilators to Kishori Ram Hospital who has offered his services and including his hospital premises to serve the Corona patients.

This matter has been flagged by Mr Jagroop Singh Gill with the local MLA & Finance Minister Mr Manpreet Singh Badal by penning down a letter in this regard on Wednesday.

Highlighting the serious issue, Mr Jagroop Gill has stressed upon the Minister to allocate at least 5 ventilators to Kishori Ram Hospital. Mr Gill has further pointed out that “I have come to know through the news papers that you have allocated 29 ventilators to different hospitals to provide free services for corona patients, but it is said that the private hospitals are charging the patients at their own sweet will, which need to be to looked into”.  The people who has come forward to help the government in this critical juncture, they deserve cooperation from the state government, stressed Mr Gill.

Manpreet Badal should monitor all such things at personal level: Gill

Mr Jagroop Gill urged the Minister to provide oxygen cylinders and medicines to such institutions who has come forward to help the government.  They should be dealt on priority. It is noteworthy, that a NGO Naujawan Welfare society is working ceaselessly and supporting the government endeavours on voluntary basis. “Mr Manpreet Badal should monitor all such things at personal level” said Mr Gill.

Mr Gill also raised another issue related with distribution of Fateh Kits by the congress office bearers and MCs in their wards. While appreciating the decision of the state government to provide free kits to people, Mr Gill expressed serious concerned over the way in which the kits are being distributed.  He said “As per critical media reports, no Asha workers accompany the people who give out kits in the wards, who can explain the procedure and counsel the people how to utilise the kits”.


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