Who will be new Home Secretary of Punjab?

Who will make it ?

By Amrit Pal Singh Brar

Chandigarh, 23 June 2019: Appointment of new Home Secretary is likely to be made in the coming days. Nirmaljit Singh Kalsi Home Secretary of Punjab is retiring in June end. He has already applied for the post of Chief Information Commissioner Punjab. Though, the outgoing DGP Suresh Arora is also interested in this post.

As per the seniority list, the following officers can be considered as contenders, Karan Bir Singh Sidhu 1984 batch, he is to retire on 31 July 2021, Arun Goel 1985 batch, he is on central deputation since long and his retirement is on 31 December 2022, C Roul 1985 batch, his retirement is on 31 December 2020, Satish Chandra 1985 batch is to retire on 30 September 2020, Kalpana Mittal Barua 1985 batch is to retire on 30 November 2020, ManiKant Prasad Singh 1986 batch known as MP Singh, his retirement is in December 2019. Vini Mahajan 1987 batch has a long tenure to serve, her retirement is in October 2024. Her batch mate Vishwajeet Khanna’s retirement is on 30 June 2021. All these officers are considered as upright officers.

Karan Bir Singh Sidhu has already served as Home Secretary during the SAD BJP regime and now he is in Special Chief Secretary rank and heading MAGSIPA, which was earlier, headed by the outgoing CS and senior bureaucrat Sarvesh Kaushal.

Arun Goel is on central deputation since long; his background is from Patiala, the constituency of Punjab Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh. Patiala based people are considered heavyweights these days. Earlier, during the regime of SAD BJP, the officers with background from Sri Muktsar Sahib and Bathinda, enjoyed upper hand in postings and other matters. Same parameter works now; it’s the Patiala people, who are working on key posts these days. Whether, this connection will bring Arun Goel back to Punjab, only time will answer.

Satish Chandra of 1985 batch is serving as Additional Chief Secretary (ACS) Health and Family Welfare. Known for simplicity and hardworking, Satish Chandra is one of the very upright officers of the state. He is a result oriented officer and has given excellent output, wherever he is posted.

Vini Mahajan 1987 batch has a long tenure to serve the state and her husband Dinkar Gupta is presently serving as DGP of Punjab. She is likely to be empanelled in the rank of Secretary in the Government of India within next three months.

According to the opinion of the observers, the performance and tenure of the outgoing Home Secretary was at the lowest point. Promotions of the police officials from NGOs to GOs and other ranks took a long time and still pending, due to unknown reasons. Punjab needs a dynamics Home Secretary. Who will make it? Only Capt Amarinder Singh can answer to this question. (Author can be contacted at amritbrar2012@gmail.com 9814313405)


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