32-year-old drug addict youngster made part of the mainstream society

Boys shun drugs, gets employment as well

By Amrit Pal Brar

Sangrur, 30 June:

The extent of interest in implementing the anti drug campaign being shown by the district administration of Sangrur can be very well gauged from the recent precedent set by the administration.

A 32 year old guy Gagan Kumar was so much drowned in the well of drugs that life seemed to be a curse, but today the situation is that this young man has not only quit the drug but he also gets employment and he is now very well earning a bread for his family. It’s all due to the effort of district administration Sangrur led by Ghanshyam Thori Deputy Commissioner.

Due to poor financial condition and poor company of friends, this young life became a victim drug addiction. Drugs had started playing with his family and social life and he was being considered as bane for the family.

The young boy who was trapped in the well of drug addiction, was himself destroying the future of his widow mother, wife and two children as he was not able to feed his family.

Bane turned into boon when this drug addicts mother came to know about the Punjab Government’s anti drug campaign.

Widow mother then knocked the door district administration, and urged the officials to save her son. She apprised the district administration that her son’s wife and two children are forced to live in a hell like situation due to the drug addiction of her son.

District administration immediately got the boy admitted in drug addiction center in Sangrur for treatment, and assured the family of all possible help.

During the treatment, Gagan told Mohan Sharma, Project Director of Drug De-addiction centre, that he owed a house rent of Rs 20,000 to the landlord as he could not pay rent due to his drug addiction habit.

Project Director brought this matter to the notice of the district administration which, after listening to this, provided a grant of Rs 20,000 to the family and also arranged another house for them in Sangrur.

Gagan, after the motivation of District administration, took treatment for about a month and a half at the Drug de-addiction Center and now he is out of the drug menace completely. District administration also provided employment to the boy in Maruti Company. This young man Gagan is now living a good life with his family and is also motivating others to shun drug.


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