Department of SS & WCD plans to promote Women Self Help Groups

To organise a state level exhibition for two day at Kisan Bhawan

By Amrit Pal Brar at Chandigarh

Chandigarh 13 August: Department of SS &WCD Pb is organising a State level exhibition for two days in last week of October in Kisan Bhawan Chandigarh to promote “women Self help groups “of Punjab in partnership with few Govt departments, NABARD and well established NGOs.

This was disclosed by Gurpreet Kaur Sapra IAS Director SS & WCD while speaking with bureaucratic reporter APS Brar.

She said “We aim to promote self help groups of Punjab in partnership with NABARD and NGOs and to assist these budding women entrepreneurs , five  established women entrepreneurs ( other than dress boutiques) are requested to come forward to help these women understand better design ideas, packaging , presentation and marketing through E-commerce”.

Women are a vital part of the Indian Economy, both at the state and the household levels. They make one-third of the national labour force. They contribute a much larger share of their earnings to basic family maintenance with the result that women’s earnings positively and immediately affect the incidence and the security of poverty.

The mentors will get 1 stall each to display & sell their work free of cost.

Those with innovative, creative and cost-effective ideas will be shortlisted.

Interested persons can send in the names and details by 30th August 2019 at the email


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