D C urges people to come forward for sampling in case of covid signs

Covid care centre at PTU is fully geared up to tackle any alarming situation

Special Correspondent

Kapurthala, July 15

In a major decision to tackle to corona cases in the district, Deputy Commissioner Kapurthala Deepti Uppal has announced that a home to home survey would be conducted across the district to identify the high risk cases like the person suffering from high blood pressure, sugar, heart problems.

Today while talking to kapurthala residents in a video message about the present scenario of covid 19 in the district, she said that a the teams of health department was going to each and every home to aware the people especially the children, old aged and ill people to stay at home besides following covir protocol.

Terming the fight against covid a great challenge in front of humanity, she said that people should come forward for testing in case of covid symptoms to check the spread of disease.

She also made it clear that a stern action would be taken against the violators of covid protocol and an FIR would also be registered. She also said that special teams of health, police and civil administration have been formed to implement the new guidelines in true spirit and manner.

Talking about the preparedness of district administration against corona, she said that a Covid Care Centre has been set up at PTU besides established 100 bed isolation centre and ICU facilities across the district to treat the serious cases.

Urging the people to stay home for welfare of their lives, she called upon the people to show great courage and will power to defeat this deadly disease.


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