AIIMS Director inaugurates Covid care centre in MRSPTU campus 

@ Amrit sidhu Brar

Bathinda, June 9

The All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Bathinda, Executive Director, Dr. Dinesh Kumar Singh inaugurated a 4-bed Covid care centre exclusively for faculty and students at Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical university (MRSPTU) Campus here on Wednesday.

The university employees voluntarily contributed from their salary to create a fund to develop the facility completely for university staff and students.

The Centre will be managed by a team led by Dr. H.M. Garg, Senior Medical Officer of the university campus dispensary with the support from AIIMS and civil hospital. A team led by Dr. G.S. Bath worked very hard to make the centre of operational.

Appreciating the initiative of the university, Dr. D.K. Singh stressed upon the need for strictly following covid guidelines and getting vaccination to contain its spread as virus will remain with us in the times to come. He exhorted people not to fall prey to rumours against the Covid vaccine

Expressing gratitude towards AIIMS and Bathinda, Civil Surgeon office for providing whole heartedly support to University during Covid pandemic. MRSPTU Vice Chancellor, Prof. Buta Singh Sidhu said, “The University has been effectively implementing the Covid-19 guidelines.  To boost the morale of the faculty and students in the pandemic period, this initiative has been taken for the welfare of everyone,”.

Bathinda Civil Surgeon, Dr Tejwant Singh Dhillon appreciated the efforts of the university. He said “The combined efforts of people and administration will yield good results in curving the Covid,” he said.

Giving details, Dr. H. M. Garg said the Covid positive patients with mild symptoms or asymptomatic cases having none of any symptoms and without any co-morbidity like chronic diseases will be kept in isolation in case of need. The centre is equipped with good infrastructure with adequate sanitation, having all the basic necessary services such as oxygen, Corona Kit, ECG, medicine supplies etc.

He further informed that to meet any exigency, elaborate arrangements including a dedicated ambulance are in place so that patients can be shifted to higher level nearby centres if needed. Although there is no covid patient in university as of now, he added.

University Registrar, Dr. Gurinder Pal Singh Brar, GZSCCET, Campus Director, Dr. Savina Bansal, Deans, Directors and senior faculty was also present on the occasion.


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