All treatment facilities are available near home to quit drugs

By Gaurav Sidhu

Sri Muktsar Sahib: June 2022

With a view to eradicate the drug menace from the state, the Punjab Chief Minister has opened new Oat Centers in the district so that the drug addicts could get the de-addiction drugs near their homes and easily quit drugs.

Giving information in this regard, Mr. Vineet Kumar IAS The Deputy Commissioner said that 9 oat centers were already functioning in the district and 11 new oat centers have been opened. There are now a total of 20 government oat centers in the district. These centers and private centers are periodically checked by the health department under the supervision of experts.

The Deputy Commissioner constituted a team of experts from the health department to personally check the private drug de-addiction centers and the records of the private centers were checked and it was observed that the private centers were functioning as per the instructions and records of the government.

He directed the private centers to work in accordance with the guidelines given by the government from time to time. He instructed the doctors of the centers that no difficulty should be allowed to the drug addicts who come here and priority should be given to drug addicts by admitting them.

Dr. Sunil Bansal, Deputy Medical Commissioner, Dr. Rashmi Chawla, De-addiction Specialist, Mr. Sukhmandar Singh, District Mass Media Officer, . Niranjan Rakhra, Mrs. Binu were present in the inspection team.


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