Doctor bites on wife’s nose

Amrit Pal Singh Brar

Bathinda, May 21

The civil line police Bathinda have booked one Dr Aman Mittal in a case of domestic violence, inflicting severe injuries to his wife. The accused bit on his wife’s nose and on different parts of the body. The victim has been admitted to the Civil Hospital for treatment.

The victim is said to be a teacher in a school and the accused is the son of a prominent doctor in the city.

The victim said her husband got very angry while arguing, she made an effort to calm him down, but he did not listen and attacked her. She added that her husband bit her on the nose and caused injuries.

Investing Officer ASI Krishan Singh said on Tuesday, “The victim came to the police station and lodged a complaint against her husband. We got her admitted to the Civil Hospital. On the victim’s complaint, we have registered a case against her husband and started an investigation into the matter. The accused is on the run. We have launched a manhunt to nab him at the earliest.”


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