Fazilka police launches massive operation

Amrit Pal Brar

Fazilka, June 26, 2019: In a bid to fulfil the promise of Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh led Punjab government to eradicate drugs from the state, the Fazilka police have seized drugs in huge quantity with the arrest of 237 drug peddlers during last 6 months.

180 cases registered, 5.118 kg heroin, 5.450 kg opium, 561.3 kg poppy husk, 81.2 kg Green poppy husk plants, 40 gram smack and 148858 pills recovered

During anti-drug fortnight campaign from 12 to 26 June, 1.250 kg opium, 57.5 kg poppy husk, 93 miligram heroin and 55229 pills seized after arresting 33 drug peddlers

More than 8.5 thousand people attended 184 seminars held in schools/colleges, villages and public places to sensitize people about ill effect of drugs

CCTV cameras monitoring movement of suspicious persons

Today, on the occasion of International day against drugs and illicit trafficking, SSP Fazilka Mr. Deepak Hilori, IPS said that after registering 180 different cases of drug trafficking during past 6 months, 5.118 kg heroin, 5.450 kg opium, 561.360 kg poppy husk, 81.2 kg Green poppy husk plants, 40 grams smack, 1 grams Narcotics powder and 148858 pills have been recovered from drug smugglers. “During anti-drug fortnight from 12 to 26 June, 28 cases of drug trafficking have been registered with the arrest of 33 smugglers and 1.250 kg opium, 57.5 kg poppy husk, 93 miligram heroin and 55229 tablets and capsules were recovered from their possession”, he added.

He said that Special Nakabandis are being laid in Abohar Sub Division bordering Rajasthan for checking of Vehicular traffic such as buses, trucks and jeeps etc. to exercise check upon smuggling activities. Drivers and conductors of buses coming from Rajasthan and Haryana states are being sensitized to provide information about drugs being smuggled in the buses to the police.

Apart from this, Inter-state meetings with counterpart police officers of adjoining districts/police stations of Haryana and Rajasthan states have also been sharing information about drug peddlers working in those states and to carry out joint raids on drug smugglers residing there.

SSP said that CCTV Cameras have been installed on vulnerable roads leading to Rajasthan and International border to monitor movement of suspected persons. “CCTV cameras at Gumjal Interstate border Abohar-Sri Ganganagar road, Dhani Baldev and Wariyam Khera on Sri Ganganagar road, Bakain wala and Rajpura Interstate Barrier on Hanumangarh Road and Asafwala road leading to Sadqi BSF Post near International border have been installed”, he informed.

Hilori said that re-verification of 1315 drug peddlers, which have been booked under NDPS Act in the district during past 8 years, is being carried out after completing their categorization, which included 28 smugglers of Category A, 34 of Category B and 1253 of Category C.

He further said that verification of all drug peddlers is being conducted by calling them to police stations. Verification of all A and B category drug peddlers has been completed, while 750 smugglers of category C have been verified and remaining will be verified within a week, after which list of active drug-peddlers will be finalized to unleash crack down upon them.

The SSP said that inputs from the public are also being taken against drug peddlers in order to exercise a check upon their smuggling activities and new drug smugglers are being identified and strong action is being initiated against them.

He said that more than 50 drug tips have been received on helpline 181 so far. After vigorously pursuing these tips, 10 NDPS Act cases have been registered and frequent raids against remaining are being conducted to restrain their activities. He told that in May this year, district level raids were conducted on active drug peddlers

He particularly said that the process to freeze the property of convicted drug smugglers has been initiated and police department has sent 15 such cases to government for further action so far. Apart from this, preventive actions against habitual drug peddlers is being resorted by way of filing 110 (F) Cr.P.C. kalandras against habitual drug peddlers and so far, 86 kalandras have been submitted against habitual drug peddlers and mostly sent to the jail.

He said that frequent and intensive raids on habitual drug peddlers are being carried out to restrain their activities and close surveillance on drug peddlers, who have been bailed out or acquitted by the courts is being maintained.

He said that notorious smugglers of the district have been identified whose arrest will have major impact on the supply side. He said that close coordination with the BSF authorities also being maintained to prevent inflow of heroin from across the international border.

56 Villages/Mohallas identified for drug peddling

The SSP said that 56 Villages/mohallas notorious for drug peddling have been identified, where under the guidance of SP (PBI Narcotics) and SP (Investigation) seminars are being organised besides showing documentaries, giving lectures and distributing anti-drug literature to create awareness among the public against drugs, motivate drug peddlers to give up path of drug peddling and also drug addicts to give up drugs by way of medical treatment.

To further strengthen the police information system and to raise a voice against drug traffickers, Village/mohalla level committees consisting of dignitaries, representatives of youth clubs and NGOs, retired teachers, ex-servicemen and females have been formed.

He said that during this fortnight campaign, DAPOs are being reactivated through various programs in schools, colleges, public places, villages and mohallas. He informed that police officers and employees have conducted 184 seminars and meetings, which were attended by 8,616 people.

Helpline 1800-180-2181 set up to provide information on drugs

According to Hilori, district level anti-drug Helpline number 1800-180-2181 have been established in district Fazilka so that people can easily share any information against drugs menace. He said that SP level officer has been appointed Nodal Officer to deal with drug related matters.

33,070 DAPOs deployed in district

SSP said that 33,070 Drug Prevention Officers (DAPOs) have been enrolled in the district to tackle the problem of drugs and to create awareness among the public. He said that 849 seminars and meetings were conducted in the district to keep them active.


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